Gabriele Panciera

Gabriele Panciera nasce a Milano nel 1996. Laureato in Product Design all’Istituto Europeo di design, inizia presto a lavorare come industrial designer. Dopo un periodo di studio e ricerca a Londra, dove ottiene premi e riconoscimenti, frequenta il master di Design Engineering al Politecnico di Milano. Oggi lavora e vive a Milano, dove collabora con alcuni studi professionali.

Gabriele Panciera was born in Milan in 1996. Graduated in Product Design at the European Institute of Design, he soon began working as an industrial designer. After a period of study and research in London, where he obtained prizes and awards, he attended the master of Design Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Today he works and lives in Milan, where he collaborates with some professional firms.

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TAAC! storage clock
Regular price €154.00