Digital fabrication technologies and materials

Cyrcus believes in digital fabrication. The technologies involved Cyrcus's production are:3D printer, laser cutter, CNC and the water jet. With these technologies you can use techniques "subtractive" or "additive". The first are for example those used by numerical control (CNC) or by laser cutter, the second one are additive manufaturing as 3D printer.


3D printing


3D printing, or “additive manufacturing,” is an "additive" technology.
Through a computer-driven additive process of adding layers upon layers of material on top of each other to form a piece, 3D printers can create an object from a 3D model. For smaller quantities, 3D printing can produce components relatively quickly. Using the additive fabrication, objects are created in their final form by adding thin layers of material (layer manufacturing). The material 




Laser cutting is done either with a flat sheet laser or a 3D tube laser. It’s a “subtractive” technology that creates parts by cutting material away from a source.
Flat sheet laser cutting has a speed and an accuracy advantage. If you need to cut a large volume of components quickly from sheets of steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and, plexiglass flat sheet laser cutting can deliver. 



CNC milling machines take a block of solid material (e.g. aluminum or marble) and use sharp rotating tools or cutters to remove all parts that are not needed. CNC is a "subtractive" technology– in contrast to additive manufacturing as in 3D printing.
